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[文学] 早晨

发表于 2022-1-10 10:52:33 手机用户 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In the morning,
Lin Qiquan

Early in the morning, the newborn sun shines on my face, and on the lawn around me, dewdrops are shining, the cool breeze caresses me, and sometimes with a faint scent of flowers, they fall through the dense leaves and become golden spots, and the birds are chasing and playing, adding infinite vitality to the morning.
The whole world is clear and bright, and the sun is gently sprayed on all things in the world, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye.
The beauty of the early morning is really fascinating. I am lamenting the magic of nature and the intoxicating scenery.

[文化天地] 戏题
[文化天地] 晨步
[文化天地] 写怀
[文化天地] 青玉案-顿悟
[文化天地] 杂感
[文化天地] 写意

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